Slovenian artist creates egg-cellent beauty

While decorating eggs are a common practice around Easter in many parts of the world,
probably none will be as impressive as the ones created by this man. Slovenian artist Franc Grom uses simple tools to create this - an intricate and stunning artwork achieved by drilling thousands of tiny holes into an egg shell. SOUNDBITE: Artist, Franc Grom, saying (Slovenian) "When I start working on an egg, I don't know exactly how it would look like in the end. I create the design along the way. I do a basic lace-like pattern, and then I fill it in. Sometimes it turns out beautiful." And beautiful they are - though Grom says mimicking traditional Slovenian lace patterns takes a lot of patience and precision. SOUNDBITE: Artist, Franc Grom, saying (Slovenian) "The most difficult part is taking care that the holes are drilled close to each other without breaking the shell. I have set my personal record some 3-4 years ago, with a little over 24,000 holes drilled into a single goose egg." Color is achieved purely by careful polishing. While Grom keeps a large collection of his favorite creations at home he does sell them as souvenirs and for special occasions. But eggs-quisite artwork doens't come cheap, interested buyers have to pay about 100 euros per 1,000 holes. 
Surse: Youtube
